What is CBD?
CBD, an acronym for Cannabidiol, is a chemical compound from the cannabis plant. It is a natural substance that is used world-wide in balms and oils for multiple purposes, but one of its most common purposes is as a form of medication. In an in-depth survey comparing CBD to prescription drugs almost 60% believed to some extent that it was more effective than medication they had regularly tried.
CBD products are becoming increasingly more popular in the market as more and more researchers are discovering the molecules healing effects. Last year the World Health Organisation revealed CBD may help treat symptoms relating to Epilepsy, MS, pain, depression, cancer, diabetes and Parkinsons.
Cannabis legalisation in the UK
CBD itself is legal in the UK as long as there are zero traces of THC. However, any products with even the slightest trace of psychoactive substances are in fact illegal for possession and supply. Despite its legality issues there has been a massive surge in interest towards CBD products with the number of cannabidiol consumers soaring from 125,000 in 2017 to 250,000 in 2018.
From November 1st 2018, the UK has legalised the prescription of medicinal cannabis products to patients for the first time.